Setting Up Google Analytics Fast and Easy

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March 09, 2023
4 mins read

Tracking website could give a valuable information on how it is used, how well website keeps visitors on different pages, amd even more.

The importance of resource about visitors' actions while interacting with a page could play very important part for any future analysis of website's perfomance or improvements of UI/UX features.


Google Analytics, is a web analytics service provided by Google that allows website owners to track and analyze website traffic and user behavior.

It provides information such as the number of visitors, pages they visit, how long they stay on each page, their approximate location and also device information.

Website owners can use this data to optimize their website, improve user experience, and increase conversions.

Notice: While connecting a Google Analytics to a website or mobile app user should be informed that the data of his/her actions is being stored and going to be used in the future. The information includes location of the user, the pages visited and more.

Signing Up for Google Analytics

First we need to sign up at Google Analytics site.

If you have a Google account, you can use it to sign up for Analytics.

Ensure to use well secured Google Account to defend the information that is being collected and to keep it safe for the future.

Create a new property

Once signed up for Google Analytics, we'd need to create a new property.

To do this, click on the "Start Measuring". Follow the prompts to enter your website's information with setting up Account Details.


Property is a website or mobile app that is going to be tracked by a unique tracking ID. Basically it represents the digital entity to analyze data.

Each Property can have multiple views, which are different ways to look at the data collected by the tracking ID.

Add the tracking code to your website

After creating a new property, Google will generate and hand a tracking code.

This code needs to be added to every page of your website so that Google Analytics can track your vistors.

The code can be added to website's HTML code in the <head> tag.

Verify tracking

After adding the tracking code to a website, it should be clear that it is working properly.

To track a real time users, that are on the website right now proceed to "Reports"


Then "Real Time":


Maybe there isn't anyone on the website right now, so it might be good idea to open the website in a new tab and browse around, new activity should appear in the Real Time report in Google Analytics.

Worth noting that Ad Blockers will suppress any requests to the Google Analytics.

That is why some data may be lost. Nevertheless not many people use ad blocker on phones, while around 40% of users are using it on laptops and computers.

Bottom Line

Setting up Google Analytics for your website can be a powerful tool to track user' behaviour and more for future analysis of website's perfomance, which could play important part in the future.

Important piece is to inform your visitors about what data you are collecting and what for, so there would be no legal issues any futher.